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Livres non selectionnnés

27.10.2013 / 03:00

Dear recipient,
Thank you for participating in the international Typhlo & Tactus® competition.
The participating countries submitted 61 books to the competition. They were carefully evaluated by the eight members of the jury who took particular notice of the versatility of topics, artistic solutions, technical innovations and the tender and amusing stories.
After two-day evaluation, three books were selected as winners:
The first prize is awarded to La fabuleuse montagne (The fabulous mountain) by Erika Forest from Belgium.
The second prize is divided between Merirosvotarina (A pirate story) by Maarit Korhonen from Finland, and Sem by Marino Valentina from Italy.
The jury compiled the following general feedback in order to help you create even better tactile books in the future:
                    The tactility of the image is better if the image does not seek to be an exact representation of a visual illustration.
                    Visually impaired children need strong colour contrasts.
                    For tactile readers, materials create the first impression. Plastic embossing provides the reader with very little information.
                    Varied materials allow the reader to explore the book on a detailed level.
                    A well-written text increases children's vocabulary and enhances their imagination.
                    Children find the illustrations easier to understand and remember if new elements are introduced bit by bit.
                    An appropriate format makes the book easier to handle by children.
                    The materials must be able to create the desired sensations in the reader.
Congratulations and welcome to participate in the next Typhlo & Tactus® competition in 2015.
                                                                                          President of the Jury
                                                                                          Claudette Kraemer

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