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SONS rahvusvaheline heliloomingu konkurss

05.10.2009 / 11:05

Czech Blind United (SONS) korraldab rahvusvahelise heliloomingukonkursi 18-35 aastastele nägemispuudega noorheliloojatele ning muusikutele Prahas 28.02.2010 - 05.03.2010. Kui oled asjast huvitatud, vaata meie lehekülje ingliskeelselt leheküljelt www.braillnet.cz/menueng.htm
The competition will be held in Prague, Czech Republic from February
28 to March 5, 2010. The competition is co-organized by Czech Blind
United (SONS) and
Jan Deyl Conservatory and Secondary school for Visually Impaired. All
correspondence relating to the competition should be directed to:
SONS, Department
for International and Cultural Affairs, Krakovská 21, 110 00 Praha 1,
Czech Republic.
The competition is open to blind or partially-sighted musicians and
composers from all over the world. Artist who wants to participate in
Competition of
blind and partially sighted performers should be between the ages 18
and 35 years on the opening date of the competition who shall satisfy
all other conditions
of the competition. Competition for blind and partially sighted music
composers has no age limit.
The essential condition for the admission shall be a participant's
degree of visual impairment certified by a medical statement, viz.
from visual acuity
6/ 60 and/ or field of vision lower than 20 degrees. The crucial
factor in this respect shall be the condition of the better eye with
optimum correction
(i.e. contact or spectacle-fitted lenses, irrespective of whether the
participant intends to use them during the competition or not).
The competition shall not be open to first prize winners of the
previous competitions.
Travel expenses to and from the competition venue shall be covered by
participants. The organizers shall cover board and lodging costs of
the admitted competitors
during their participation in the competition. The said participation
in the competition shall be terminated by eliminating a competitor
from further rounds
of the competition. Should the eliminated competitor wish to stay on,
his/ her further stay in the competition location shall be covered
from his/ her
own resources to organizers of the competition from the day following
the day on which the announcement of relevant results was made. In
addition, the
organizers shall cover board and lodging expenses of one guide per
participant (under the same conditions as above). Should a competitor
require his/ her
own accompanist, his/ her board and lodging costs shall be paid by
that competitor unless the said accompanist were to act as the sole
Otherwise, competitors are welcome to request accompanists from the
organizers in obligatory registration form. If competitor request
accompanist from
the organizers, it is mandatory to send regular print music notation
(good quality needed) together with obligatory registration form.
!!No changes are allowed in competitor's program after sending
obligatory registration form!!
Correctly filled-in obligatory registration form (form connected to
these conditions) shall be forwarded to the above given address by
September 14, 2009.
After the closing date, those registered individuals who meet the
competition conditions shall receive all necessary information on the
competition and
its arrangements. There is space only for 30 participants of the
competition because of organizational reasons. In case of a higher
number of registering
participants, the organizers reserve the right to conduct a
short-listing procedure. Organizers reserve the same right in case of
higher number of participants
from one country.
All artists chosen for the competition shall be advised of their
participation after September 14, 2009. Their duty will be to transfer
a registration fee
of 200 ? to the bank account number given in the obligatory
registration form, the transfer deadline being October 15, 2009 at
Persons concerned who were not chosen for competition but they sent
correctly filled-in obligatory registration form in time become
substitutes. If regular
participant resign from the competition, substitute shall be advised
of this fact. In this case substitute's duty will be to transfer a
registration fee
of 200 ? to the bank account number given in the obligatory
registration form in 30 days from receiving a notice at latest.
Competitors who have not paid their registration fee shall not be
admitted. Registration fees shall not be refunded under any
On their presentation, competitors shall prove identity by producing
their identity card.
The competition is open for wood-wind and brass instruments, string
instruments, piano, accordion, guitar, and singing. All disciplines
shall compete together in three rounds.
Round One: a) a composition from either the
baroque or classicism period
b) a composition from any
subsequent style period
total time limit 10 - 15 minutes
Round Two: a) a composition from the 18th or 19th
b) a composition from the 20th or
21st century
total time limit 15 - 20 minutes
Round Three: a performer-selected composition
time limit 15 - 25 minutes
The first two rounds shall be eliminative. The order in which
competitors are to perform shall be drawn at least 12 hours prior to
the beginning of the
first round and shall apply for the first and second round. The third
round - the Finals - shall be drawn after the results of the second
round have been
announced following the jury's decision on the finalists.
A competitor may play a given piece just in one round. Playing by
heart (from memory) shall be compulsory in all rounds. Guitar and
accordion players may
incorporate in any of the three rounds one piece with piano
accompaniment. The other instruments/ singing compete, as a rule,
under piano accompaniment,
though solo pieces can also be performed.
Competitors shall be entitled to individual coaching (accompanied
rehearsals) within the following time limits:
§ Round one: 45 minutes
§ Round two: 60 minutes
§ Round three: 90 minutes.
To satisfy a use of 45 minute accompanying for the round one of the
competition, participants have to be at venue till February 28, 2009
13 o'clock.
The competition shall award three financial prizes:
§ First Prize 1,000 ?
§ Second Prize 600 ?
§ Third Prize 400 ?.
The jury shall have the right to divide a prize or not to award it at
all; it may also resolve to award extraordinary prizes by limit 2,600
? and Certificates
of Commendation.
Competition laureates shall perform for free at the closing concert on
the occasion of the Prize Awarding Ceremony. Those not participating
at the Ceremony
without providing an acceptable apology will not be presented with
their Honors.
The jury shall be appointed by the organizers in accordance with the
registered instruments. The jury shall be composed of a chairman, a
vice chairman and
six ordinary members, at least three of them shall be visually
impaired. The vice chairman and three other members shall come from
abroad. Jury composition
(list of jurors' names) shall be announced on the competition opening.
Jury functioning shall be governed by its internal Rules of Procedure.
Both the
jury dealings and scoring shall be confidential and shall not be made
public. Jury decisions shall be final, entailing no right of appeal.
All performances shall be recorded for the purposes of assessment
Official languages of the competition are Czech or English. Organizer
could provide individual interpreter covered from competitors.
Supposed price of interpreter
is 300 ? per one day. In cases of ambiguous interpretation, Terms &
Conditions in the Czech language shall be considered authentic.
The competition is open for blind and partially-sighted music
composers from all over the world. There is no age limit. The
following types of music compositions
will be accepted:
§ chamber one-movement or multiple movement pieces for one to eight
§ instructive pieces from basic to intermediate level for one to five
performers at maximum duration of 20 minutes.
No submitted compositions will be returned to the sender/ author.
1. Only pieces composed after February 15, 2007 those have not so
far been performed in public shall be accepted.
2. Pop-music pieces shall not be accepted.
3. One author is permitted to present several compositions. If
there will be fewer than 16 compositions, the organizer reserve the
right to cancel competition
of music composers.
4. The competition shall be anonymous. Each individual composition
shall be inserted in its separate sealed envelope, distinctly marked
by the title
and password of the respective piece.
5. The inside of the envelope shall include the following:
List of 6 items
. name and address of the author
. brief biography (focusing on music-related activities)
. the composition written in standard music notation
. year in which the piece was composed
. short description of the piece
. medical statement certifying the entrant's visual impairment
according to Introductory provisions.
list end
6. Each individual piece shall be forwarded in five fully legible
copies of regular print music notation. Though welcome, no attached
audio recordings
shall be required.
7. Should any text be part of a composition, the said text shall
also be provided in English or Czech translation.
8. Entries shall be forwarded by September 14, 2009 to the address
of the organizers given above. No entries with a later postal stamp
date shall be
9. All accepted compositions shall be judged by a professional
jury appointed by competition organizers.
10. Both the ceremonial declaration of laureates and the performance
of the award-winning compositions shall take place as part of the
program of the Grand
Concert to close the XII. International Competition of Blind &
Partially-Sighted Music Performers and Composers on March 4, 2010. The
laureates shall be
duly advised on the competition results; the relevant notification
shall contain an invitation to receive their award, including
three-day coverage of
their and one guide board and lodging (any travel costs excluded).
11. The competition may award three winning prizes:
§ First Prize 800 ?
§ Second Prize 500 ?
§ Third Prize 300 ?.
12. Results announced by jury shall be final.
13. The jury shall have the right to divide a prize or not to award it
at all; it may also resolve to award extraordinary prizes by limit
2,000 ? including
regular winning prizes and Certificates of Commendation for other
prominent compositions.
14. Competition organizers reserve the right of extensive promotion of
the winning compositions while respecting any applicable copyright
15. Official languages of the competition are Czech or English.
Organizers could provide individual interpreter covered from
competitors. Supposed price
of interpreter is 300 ? per one day.
16. In cases of ambiguous interpretation, Terms & Conditions in the
Czech language shall be considered

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