“Mittetulundusühing Kakora” Articles of Association
Non-profit association name, seat and objective
1. The non-profit association’s
name is “Mittetulundusühing Kakora”. Hereinafter referred to as “Kakora” in
these articles of association.
2. The seat of the
association’s management board is Tallinn.
3. “Kakora” is an individual
volunteer non-profit association, which operates in the public interest and
whose operational objectives are:
3.1 Ensuring that people with special
needs have access to cultural activities;
3.2 The necessity of tangible books and the notification of
3.3 Mediation of cultural and health events between creative
groups with special needs in different countries and the Republic of Estonia
(exhibitions, concerts, trips)
3.4 The
carrying out of training and organisation for the manufacturing of tactile
3.5 Development
of unique tangible books and their manufacturing as handmade products.
Organisation of support sales and events.
Organisation of national and international competitions and contests.
3.8 In order to
achieve the above named objectives and their support, a scholarship may be
issued with a decision of the management board.
Terms and
conditions for acceptance as a member in a non-profit association and withdrawal
and exclusion
4. “Kakora” has rank and file
members, support members and honorary members.
5. Rank and file members can be
all individuals and specialists in their respective fields, while support
members are businesses which wish to work together with the association and to
help the association in achieving its objectives listed in the articles of
association. Rank and file and support members are accepted on the basis of a
written request, which is presented to the association’s management board. The
membership fee, which is paid once per year, must be paid when becoming a
member. The membership fee must be paid to the management board within one week
after the approval of the decision by the management board. The candidate will
be notified of the decision.
6. Individuals who have
substantially developed and supported the associations work can be named as
honorary members. To be named as an honorary member, the approval of the person
being named is required.
7. A member of the association
may withdraw from the association at any time by submitting a written request,
which is submitted to the association’s management board.
8. The “Kakora” management
board may expel a rank and file or support member if they have acted against the
articles of association or if they have not paid the membership fee for two
consecutive years.
9. The management board of
“Kakora” will decide on the acceptance and termination of membership. The
management board shall make a decision within one month, as of the date of
receipt of the application, regarding membership or withdrawal.
Rights and obligations of association members
10. “Kakora” members have the
10.1 to
participate in events organised by “Kakora”;
10.2 to submit
proposals and interpellations to the management board regarding questions
related to the activities of the association;
10.3 to elect
and be elected to the various bodies of “Kakora”.
11. “Kakora” members are
11.1to be
familiar with and fulfil the associations articles of association;
11.2 to pay the
membership fee.
Honorary members have the same rights and obligations as rank
and file members, but are exempted from the membership fee.
Management of the association
12. The highest body in the
association is the general meeting. The work formats of the general meeting are
the annual and special meeting.
13. General meeting:
13.1 elects
management board members for a term of one year
13.2 decides on
the amount of the membership/annual fee;
13.3 hears the
reports of the management board representative;
13.4 approves
the report by the management board for the previous years performed activities;
13.5 decides on
the following years policies, and approves the budget prepared by the management
13.6 decides on
amendments to the articles of association or objectives;
13.7 decides on
the dissolution of “Kakora”
14. The general meeting may
approve decisions if more than one half of the association members are present
or represented. A resolution of the general meeting shall be adopted if more
than one-half of the members of the general meeting or their representatives who
participated in the meeting vote in favour.
15. The association’s
management board is “Kakora’s” directing body during the period between general
meetings. The association’s management board must have at least 3 members.
16. Association's management
16.1 elects the
chairman and deputy chairman from among its members:
16.2 forms
working groups when necessary;
16.3 initiates
operational projects;
16.4 may hire
necessary officials, whose activities are designated with corresponding
instructions and who are required to report to the management board;
16.5 prepares
its yearly budget for its own operations;
16.6 maintains
a register of members and collects membership fees.
association’s management board has a quorum if more than one half of the members
are present. The decisions of the management board are approved during the
management board meeting with a majority of the votes in favour at the meeting.
The right to represent the association
rests solely with the chairman of the management board and jointly between at
least two members of the management board. The chairman of the association’s
management board shall report on his activities to the management board and the
general meeting.
Terms and conditions for calling a general meeting
18. The annual general meeting
is held once per year at a time and location designated by the management board.
The time, location and agenda for the general meeting will be announced by the
management board at least one month before the general meeting takes place.
The chairman of the management board or his deputy will act
as the chairman of the general meeting until the election of the chairman of the
19. A special general meeting
will be called together:
19.1 with a
decision of the association’s management board;
19.2 if it is
requested by more than 1/3 of the association’s members.
Distribution of association assets upon dissolution of the
20. After a decision has been
made to dissolve the association, a liquidation committee will be set up
comprising all the members of the Board. This committee will conduct an audit of
the association’s assets and will handle the satisfaction of the creditors’
claims, and will transfer the remaining assets to an organisation (or
organisations) with an objective similar to the association’s objective.