Kakora logo kujutab endast mustal taustal valget lahtise peopesaga paremat kätt, mille igas sõrme otsas on musta värviga kujutatud lahtine silm. Sama silm on suurelt ka käe peopesas. Logo on ruudu kujuline ja käsi on näha kuni randmeni. Logo allääres on valgel taustal mustaga kirjutatud suurtes, paksudes trükitähtedes KAKORA.


Would you like to contribute to the work of a non-profit organization Kakora? Take part in it personally or contribute.
  • Selling and promoting tactile books
  • Making culture more available
  • Organizing activities and courses
  • and other forms of activities described on our homepage of NPO Kakora
To that end one can:
  • Contribution in the form of one time donation
  • Become our permanent sponsor
  • Buy charitable products
  • Donate products or render services
  • Contribute on behalf of the company
  • Become a member of NPO Kakora
Membership fee for privet individuals is 5 euros, for enterprises and organizations- 300 euros.
If you are interested, please, let us know how you would like to contribute and what exactly you would like to do via e-mail kakora@sarasyl.com.
Those who contribute will find their names published on our home page of NPO Kakora.
Our bank account: Sampo bank 332111300008, IBAN EE803300332111300008, SWIFT: FORE EE 2X
The name of the recipient organization: NPO Kakora (MTÜ Kakora)
Commentary: Donations (indicate your ID in order to receive the income tax refund)
NPO Kakora is listed among nonprofit organizations as of 01.01.2010 in accordance with the Income tax act § 11, clause 1, tax incentives.
Owing to that, we would like to inform our contributors that donating to us has become even more advantageous.

For enterprises:
In accordance with the Act §11 section 1, the income tax is not imposed on gifts and donations made during the calendar year to free unions which were entered into the list of nonprofit organizations, on condition the sum did not exceed:
  1. 3% of the sum for the current calendar year imposed by the personified social tax.
  2. 10 % of the profit for the previous fiscal year that ended on the first of January which was calculated according to the accounting legal act.
Sums spent during the calendar year on gifts and donations, indicated in section 2, are counted by a tax payer by means of summing up.
Simultaneously, it is possible to use only one type of marginal tax rate, which is counted by summing up over the entire period of the calendar year (The income tax Act § 49).

For private individuals:
A private individual is a resident who has the right to deduct from the taxable income imposed during the taxable period, registered sums spent on gifts and donations that were made during the taxable period to Nonprofit organizations, which were entered into the list given in section 1 clause 11 of the present Act(The Income Tax Act § 27)
Privet individuals must submit their personal ID to the tax and customs board to be able to receive incentives after paying the income tax. The donation sum will be indicated in the beforehand filled declaration in the tax and customs board.

© 2008-2024 E-mail: sylvi.sarapuu@gmail.com